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After the excavation elevations reaching plan, which has been in accordance with the drwaings and technical specifications and approved by the board of Directors Supervisi jobs Further more mansonry work can start time. This work was carried out according the technical specifications and work instructions directors step work this job are as follows :
* Preparing tools include concrete mixers, shovels, hoes, waterpumps sandtools.
* Prepare materials to be used where the material is already must meet the requirements described in the spcification tchniques, namely :

  • Stone river that used to beclean with no grooves or cracks. Stone must be strong, eternal and not easly broken when subjected to impact.
  • Sand should have a coarse texture and crystaline. Muast be clean and contain no more than 5 % of the volume of sand used.
  • Mortar cement / species consis to fine part cement to four parts sand compared 1 : 4 in adose volume and have a minimum compresive strength of 50 Kg/Cm2 to 28 days.

* Tools and materials mentioned above were used after obtaining the approval of the director job.

* Implement the use of concrete mixing mortar mixing with the provisions of all material resides in the concrete mixer shall not be less than two (2) minutes.

After the mortar prepared, executed the installation of stone with the following conditions :

  1. Masonry should not bedone on a rainy day because the species in masonry easily decomposed by water in addition, the location of masonry work must be completely dry and free from water.
  2. Stones-large stones placed at the bottom as basic/foundation of the work.
  3. Large foundation stone was laid before the mortar should be as thick as 3 - 5 Cm so first also with other stones.
  4. Masonry to each other should not be in contact, between one another stone within 1,5 Cm insert by species or by user director work.
  5. In every 1 M3 of stone masonry times contain at-least 1,1 - 1,2 M3 of rock sides.
  6. At the time of masonry work at some point - (1). Point that has been determined on the working drawings Wheep Hole of 25 mm PVC pipe with end fibers and kricak it was given as a filter. This pipe fitting function for drainage pipes to prevent water collecting in the pair.
  7. After that also do the job of PVC pipe fitting 2" as drainage pipe.
  8. Further more the pipe is installed filter fiber sand, sand material that serves to filter the water coming out the stone masonry.

By Caranecom