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* Safety and Healthy Policy
We have high dedication and comitment to do continuously increase orocess in :
  1. Developing Profesionalism
  2. Applying Safety and Healthy with Right and Consistant
  3. Fulling Every Customer's Requirement and Regulation Related to Services Realitation.
To be the best construction services company in National and International scale wich concern to Profesionalism, Achedule Accuracy, Quality Standard, Safe and Healthy and Customer's Astisfaction.

Giving Services with Comitment, Trust and Show the Result with What the Customers wont.

* Planning 
1). Danger Identification and Risk Control

2). Regulation and Rules
Regulation and rules that make our references to gain and give services to the customers are :
  • UU No. 1 tahun 1970 Tentang Keselamatan Kerja
  • UU No. 18 tahun 1999 Tentang Jasa Konstruksi
  • Peraturan Menteri PUPR No. 09/PRT/M/2008 Tentang pedoman Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Konstruksi bidang pekerjaan Umum.
  • Peraturan Perundangan dan Pedoman Teknis K3
  • SNI. Standar dan Spesifikasi Jasa Konstruksi
  • Undang-undang dan Peraturan di bidang Ketenaga Kerjaan
  • Etc
 3). Safety and Healthy Goal and Progam
  * Safety and Healthy Goal

  • Guarantee to doing safety and healthy work with right and consistent
  • Zero Accident
  • Growing the competence of human resource
* Safety and Healthy Program
Part of the safety management is focusing to determine of safe and healthy purpose and goal and detailed operational proces and related resources that needed to meet the ruquirements of safe and healthy. Document that contained of handling danger wich caused by work plan or activities that be made to fix damage, prevent injuries, and handling safe and healthy problem.

* Safety and Healthy Orgaiztion